IPI Webinar: Diagnosing and Addressing Inefficient HVAC Operations

This series of free webinars will provide practical guidelines for the implementation of sustainable energy management practices in collecting institutions. Presentations are designed to enable collections care, facility management and administrative staff in cultural institutions to work together to achieve an optimal preservation environment—one that combines the best possible preservation of collections with the least possible consumption of energy, and is sustainable over time.

Each of the nine webinars will focus on a particular topic, designed to appeal to a range of participants. The earlier presentations are designed for individuals who are new to the subject or need a refresher course. Later presentations are for individuals with more extensive knowledge and those more deeply involved with environmental analysis and management of HVAC systems.

Webinars will be presented by IPI staff unless noted otherwise. Each webinar will be presented on a Wednesday from 2:00 to 3:30 U.S. Eastern Standard Time. Register for one or more webinars at: http://www.ipisustainability.org/webinar-registration/

September 9, 2015  (Moderate / Advanced Level – Institutions with HVAC Systems)  Register now!
Diagnosing and Addressing Inefficient HVAC Operations

  • Define System Inefficiencies – Where Energy is Wasted
    • Systems doing things they don’t need to do
    • Systems working against themselves
  • How to Use HVAC Cartoons and Schematic Drawings
  • How System Analysis is Done using Loggers in AHUs
  • Balancing Collection Preservation and Energy Reduction—Options to Consider
    • Fan speed
    • Lighting
    • Outside air
    • System setbacks
    • System shutdown
Wed, 09/09/2015 - 14:00 - 15:30